SK-II Facial Treatment Essence is the moisture booster that restores skin's natural 28-day renewal cycle, making skin smoother and more radiant. With more than 90% pure Pitera, it is often described as SK-II's "miracle water". Balances skin's pH, sebum secretion, moisture and oxygen levels, so the oily areas (usually T-zone) is less oily, while the dry areas are more moisturized. Soothes and refreshes skin from sunburn and burning
SK-II(又名美之匙)護膚精華含92.7% 天然活膚酵母精華 Pitera,促進肌膚新陳代謝正常化,具有調整肌膚酸鹼值平衡以及修護的效果,供給肌膚養分讓肌膚充滿彈性,兼具保養及抗細胞脂氧化作用,鎮定因日曬與凍傷所引起的皮膚紅、熱,並能防止肌膚過敏,預防日曬所引起的肌膚暗沉、斑點與縐紋,整治出光滑的肌膚維持角質內層水分的平衡,改善肌膚粗糙現象,觸感柔滑,肌膚容易吸收,不含酒精、香料、色素,有淡淡天然酵母酸味,讓肌膚更健康。