Origin: China
Net weight: Abalone package: Abalone + Sauce 100g (3 pieces) / Noodles 85g
Features: Abalone is cooked slowly to keep the meat soft, smooth and delicious. Served with top-quality springy noodle soup, topped with fresh abalone sauce for even more flavor. The noodles can be soaked without fire or cooked over an open fire, which is convenient and simple.
Cooking method:
- Soaking without fire - Put the noodles into a bowl, pour 450ml of boiling water, cover and soak for 3-4 minutes. Use chopsticks to stir up the noodles, then drain and set aside. Tear open the abalone packet*, stir in abalone and juice, and enjoy. You can add an appropriate amount of seasoning powder to the noodles according to your personal taste.
- Cooking over an open flame - Pour 500 ml of water into the pot and heat until the water boils. Add the noodles and cook for 2-3 minutes. Use chopsticks to stir up the noodles. Drain and set aside. Tear open the abalone packet*, stir in abalone and juice, and enjoy. You can add an appropriate amount of seasoning powder to the noodles according to your personal taste.
*First soak the whole bag of abalone in hot water for 2-3 minutes to make it taste better.
產地 : 中國
淨重量:鮑魚料包:鮑魚+汁 100克 (3隻裝) / 麵:85克
高湯(水、老母雞、豬排骨、豬肉、豬蹄、火腿(豬腿、食用鹽)、雞爪)、鮑魚、蠔油(蠔汁、白砂 糖、水、增味劑(E621)、食用鹽、小麥粉、色素(E150c)、防腐劑(E200))、增稠劑(E1442)、鮑汁調味料(水、白砂糖、食用鹽、釀造醬油(水、黃豆、小麥粉、食用鹽)、鮑魚提取物、酵母提取物)、老抽(水、黃豆、小麥粉、白砂糖、食用鹽、色素(E150c)、防腐劑(E202))、水分保持劑 (E450iii、E451i、E452i)、抗氧化劑(E386)。
麵: 小麥麵粉(含麩質的穀類)(75%)、棕櫚油、鹽、增味劑(E621)、水解植物蛋白(大豆製品)、 豬肉提取物、穩定劑(E451、E475)、增稠劑(E412、E466)、蝦粉(甲殼類動物製品)、薑、蒜、 糖、酸度調節劑(E500、E501)、紅蔥、色素(E101)
調味粉: 鹽、糖、蒜粉、麥芽糊精、增味劑(E621、E631、E627)、香辛料、乾蔥、色素(E150d)、炸蒜粒、水解植物蛋白(大豆製品)