Hong Kong
Lee Kum Kee Seafood XO Sauce (Hot & Spicy) is a savoury gourmet condiment made from dried shrimp, dried scallop and ham, etc. It is blended with different spicy spices to create a strong spicy flavour. It is suitable for cooking all kinds of dishes and fried noodles, in which the ingredients are hot and fragrant after being cooked. It is also suitable for direct accompaniment of various dishes, dim sum or snacks.
*No Flavour Enhancers and MSG Added
李錦記海皇XO醬(椒香麻辣)精選乾蝦、干貝(江瑤柱)、火腿等精製而成,以不同麻辣香料調配出濃厚的麻辣勁,麻辣味飄香四溢,回味綿長,色澤紅亮。產品食法多樣化,適用於烹調各式小菜及炒粉麵飯,食材經烹煮後熱辣噴香,亦適合直接伴食各款佳餚、點心或小吃,吃罷舌尖輕微發麻, 讓人過足麻辣癮。