On Kee 6-10 pcs/ Catty Australia Sand Fish Sea Cucumber 安記 6-10支/斤 澳洲清水特靚禿參皇
$328.00 USD
Origin : 
產地 : 澳洲

特色 :禿參盛產於澳洲及非洲,當中以澳洲出產的水準最高。與刺參最不同的地方為它表面平滑,表面沒有小刺,由於它像禿頭的小孩子,故因此而得此名。禿參最大特點在於它皮薄,形狀偏圓,體積亦不算太大,顔色呈深灰色,帶光澤和香味,曬乾後十分堅硬。禿參經煮調後肉質十分爽口,皮薄肉多,容易烹調。

食療價值 :海參味甘,性平,營養價值高,含有豐富的蛋白質,容易吸收,具有滋陰補腎的功用。因其肉質細嫩,易消化,容易吸收海參的營養,老少皆宜。
Features :Sea Cucumber is abounded in Australia and Africa, while Austalia Sea Cucumber belongs to the top grade. Smooth in surface without any spikes, it is partial circular in shape, average in size. Dark grey, with glow and natural aroma, smooth and tender in texture. Various ways to consume-- for stew, for boiling soup are feasible. More budget-friendly than prickly sea cucumber, famous among customers. 

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