Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa (No Sugar Added) Formula 150ml 京都念慈菴 川貝枇杷膏(無糖配方) 150毫升
$18.90 USD


Hong Kong

Product Description

This no sugar added formula contains no added sugar and is made for those who need to control their sugar intake or are more health conscious.

  • Nourish the lung, elimiate phlegm and relieve cough. To soothe the sore throat, and remove heat. For relief of cough due to cold, copious cough phlegm, relieve discomfort of throat, aphonia and hoarse.
  • In today’s fast-paced world, people work hard, play hard and live life to the fullest. Lack of sleep, excessive smoking as well as too much fried food and city pollution can cause problems in the lungs and throat. For the best all-year-round remedy, Nin Jiom Pei Pa Koa is recommended. It is specially formulated with soothing honey, Chuan Bei as well as 14 other traditional herbs to reduce phlegm, soothe throats and relieve coughs. It goes directly to the root of any respiratory illness to nourish the body from the inside out.
  • 適用於傷風咳嗽、痰多痰稠、氣喘不適、咽喉乾癢及聲音沙啞。平日以溫水送服,不但可以保護喉嚨,而且能夠潤肺養顏、清熱降火。
  • 無糖配方採用麥芽糖醇,專為注意糖份攝取之人士而設,配合健康一族對均衡飲食的要求。
  • 強肺潤喉 內外滋養
  • 現代人生活節奏急速,生活日夜顛倒,交際應酬頻繁、煙酒過多,又常吃煎炸食物,令虛火上升,喉乾肺燥。常服京都念慈菴蜜煉川貝枇杷膏,保持喉部健康,是保護呼吸道的第一道屏障。
  • 京都念慈菴蜜煉川貝枇杷膏為百年古方,嚴選十多種珍貴中藥材,深層滋潤肺部,從內而外舒緩咳嗽及各種喉部不適。

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